Looking to join these wonderful organizations? Check our our office space availability here.
Founded in 1971 as the Association of Voluntary Action Scholars, ARNOVA is a neutral, open forum committed to strengthening the research about and helping shape better practice in these realms. We bring together both theoretical and applied interests, helping scholars gain insight into the day-to-day concerns of third-sector organizations, while providing nonprofit professionals with connections to research they can use to improve the work of their organizations and the quality of life for citizens and communities.
Covering Kids & Families supports and educates Enrollment Professionals and healthcare coverage stakeholders throughout Indiana, including training opportunities for Certified Indiana Navigators. It is our belief that together, we CAN achieve healthcare coverage for all Hoosiers. Connect with us to share our resources and join your nearby Covering Kids & Families coalition to help make a difference in your community!
Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter.
When dealing with life’s struggles, it helps to have someone to talk to. Whether it’s stress, anxiety, depression or sudden loss, we can help. Speak with a Licensed Clinical or Christian Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Therapist, at our home office or from the privacy and comfort of your own home. Our network of therapist specialize in psychiatric evaluation. You’ll get personalized, expert mental health and substance use abuse treatment. Don’t go it alone, Enriching Lives is here for you!
Our mission is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.
FHL Community seeks to support and train providers of existing and startup food pantries as missional food pantry providers for those who face food insecurity in Central Indiana.
For more than 50 years, the Indiana Interchurch Center has provided a diverse, creative and welcoming environment for nonprofits and the community.
The mission of the Indiana Rural Health Association is to enhance the health and well-being of rural populations in Indiana through leadership, education, advocacy, collaboration, and resource development.
MAI envisions a future in which thriving and integrated Hoosier Muslims serve their broader communities and the state, and in which they are considered as an indispensable component of Indiana’s political, economic, religious and social fabrics.
To carry the message of HOPE to individuals, families, and communities affected by the disease of addiction.
Pet Friendly Services of Indiana is a statewide financial assistance organization whose mission is to eliminate the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats and dogs.
The Sierra Club is the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organizations in the United States with more than three million members and supporters. The Sierra Club has hundreds of thousands of members in chapters located throughout the United States. The Hoosier Chapter has more than 10,000 members, and local Sierra Club groups in many parts of Indiana.
The Mission of the Synod of Lincoln Trails PC(USA) is to develop, nurture and support leaders in partnership with our presbyteries and congregations, and to coordinate Presbyterian mission strategy within the Synod.
God calls Whitewater Valley Presbytery in covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit to connect, resource, and empower disciples in Christ’s name.
Women4Change Indiana is a nonpartisan, grassroots, collaborative organization whose mission is to equip and mobilize women to engage effectively in political and civic affairs in order to strengthen our democracy and to advocate for the leadership, health, safety, and dignity of all women in Indiana.